The partners of the MED-LINKS project made an important contribution at the 1st Symposium Mediterranean Fruit: Hub for Innovation, which took place on May 16-17 in Avignon, France.
In Session 4, entitled “Business Models for Better Fruit”,” our team gave insightful presentations that highlighted the transformative potential of digital solutions in the Mediterranean agri-food sector.
Keynote speaker Prof. Luca Camanzi (University of Bologna) , the project coordinator, opened the session with an presentation on “Digitalization and business model innovation in mediterranean agri-food systems: evidence from the MED-LINKS project”.
Following the main lecture, several colleagues presented their work:
Martina Francescone (University of Cassino and Southern Lazio) discussed “The adoption of digital solutions in food supply chains through enhanced business models”.
Massimiliano Fantini (Romagna Tech) introduced “MED-LINKS: a web-based digital platform to support small fv producers in B2B transactions through smart contracts”.
Sina Ahmadi Kaliji (University of Bologna) presented on “Fruit and vegetables consumer profiles in Mediterranean countries”.
Laurick Collewet and Paolo Prosperi (CIHEAM-IAMM) wrapped up the session with “Codeveloping innovations to enhance small scale producers’ sustainability and performance using a living lab approach”.